Indoor Climate of Buildings 2022

Kedy: 4. 12. 2022 15:00 – 6. 12. 2022 12:30

Kde: Hotel ATRIUM***, Nový Smokovec


It is my pleasure to invite you to the Indoor Climate of Buildings (ICB) 2022 conference. ICB 2022 is the 33th annual and 11th International conference organized by the Slovak Society of Environmental Technology (SSTP), held in Slovakia.

Typ akcie: ostatné (konferencia)

The conference will examine thermal comfort, indoor air quality, ventilation, exposure and related environmental health concerns associated with building design, construction, retrofit and operation, energy efficiency of buildings. It is a forum mainly for PhD. students and young researchers, to give them chance to gain new knowledge, exchange ideas and contacts for future collaboration with their other international fellows.

The Conference program will be based on keynote presentations given by international speaker and peer reviewed paper and extended abstract presentations of young researchers. The topics of the Conference will cover the following areas:

  • Indoor air quality and health
  • Indoor climate and comfort of buildings
  • Indoor built environment and evaluation
  • Energy efficiency and management of Buildings
  • Energy Performance of HVAC-R systems
  • Outdoor Environment and Renewable Energy


Conference Steering Committee

Dušan Petráš - prezident ICB
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Radlinského 11, 810 05  Bratislava

Barbora Junasová – Slovakian coordinator
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Radlinského 11,  810 05  Bratislava


Organizing committee

Jana Lehotová Nôtová
SSTP, Koceľova 15
815 94 Bratislava
mobil.: +421 903 562 108








ICB 2022_program 24.11.2022.pdf
Typ súboru: PDF dokument, Velkosť: 404,24 kB


Typ súboru: XLS dokument, Velkosť: 213,5 kB

Ďalšie informácie

Adresa miesta konania

Hotel ATRIUM***, Nový Smokovec, Nový Smokovec 42, Vysoké Tatry, 062 01

Časová náročnosť

Doba trvania: 1.9 dní
Dátum vloženia: 4. 11. 2022 9:13
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie: 24. 11. 2022 18:08
Autor: Správce Webu



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Aktuálne počasie

dnes, sobota 7. 12. 2024
slabý dážď 6 °C 2 °C
nedeľa 8. 12. zamračené 5/0 °C
pondelok 9. 12. zamračené 3/0 °C
utorok 10. 12. dážď so snehom 3/2 °C